Leo admits he is trying to use the collider as a time machine, to see into the future and predict what the stock markets will do. Leo then injects Victor with a chemical that knocks him out.Ĭhuck turns up and takes Victor to Zero Point industries to see Leo. Leo tortures him to find out where the iPhone is, but Victor won't tell him. The investigators find him again and capture him. He finds Natalie in a club, and leaves his phone telling her to watch the video of their daughter. He sets the house on fire, creating an explosion which stuns them, allowing him to escape. He tries to find Natalie, visiting her house the investigators follow and attack him. He tries to convince her that the explosion from the collider has created an alternate reality, but she doesn't believe him. Victor visits Dr Frung again, showing her a recording of his daughter's 7th birthday on his phone. They turn up at Victor's house, but he escapes before they see him Leo sends Chuck, a colleague, along with two investigators to retrieve the phone Victor took. Leo, Victor's partner, is concerned about what Victor is doing. He realises this iPhone is his only link to the original reality.

Both Natalie and his daughter are alive and act normally. He manages to make a charger, and uses the phone to contact his wife in the original reality. He finds the iPhone at work that he had before the explosion and goes to a shop to find a charger for it but the assistant has never heard of an iPhone. Victor starts having dreams and flashbacks about the events before the collider exploded. Victor tells the doctor about the collider explosion, and she claims that he has developed MRS as a coping mechanism after the death of his daughter. Natalie believes Victor has Memory Relapse Syndrome (MRS) so she recommends he sees Dr Frung a psychologist.ĭr Frung tells Victor he has seen her before, but Victor has no memories of her. Victor recognises his colleague Emily in the underground shelter, and has flashbacks about the events with the Zero Point Collider. A tornado hits, driving them underground. He bails his ex-wife Natalie out of prison after she was arrested for drunk and disorderly behaviour. He is divorced from his wife and his daughter has died in a car accident. Victor wakes up confused in an alternate reality where the surrounding area has been destroyed by natural disasters. Before they have a chance to investigate the collider explodes, devastating the area. However, Emily, another physicist, notices there is a calibration issue with the atomic clocks. They start up the collider on a test run.
He is part of a team of physicists building the world's largest super collider called the Zero Point Collider, which has the potential to produce unlimited free energy. He drops them off at a café on the way to work.

Victor wakes up with his wife, Natalie, and daughter, Jessica.