It's time to stock up on strongbox keys for an amazing weekend of fun and prizes! You'll earn additional rewards for completing any of the following dungeons between Friday, July 5 at 0500 UTC and Monday, July 8 at 0500 UTC: Starting Tuesday, July 2 at 0400 UTC, and continuing until Tuesday, July 9 at 0400 UTC, receive increased item rewards when completing Vanguard Requests. Head to Ostgarath for the Beach Bash, and Balder's Refuge for the Festival of the Sun, to take part in special quests and mini-games This all-class leveling event-with a special reward of Crystal Blue Powerfists given to brawlers-begins Tuesday, July 2 and lasts until Tuesday, July 30. (These bait items and the fishing event area will be removed when maintenance begins on August 20.) Of course, successfully fishing with any other bait still provides basic rewards, but the best rewards come from using the Summerfest Bait. Successfully fishing with Summerfest Bait at Dragonturtle Beach rewards you with Summer Tokens. You can use this special bait to fish in designated places on Dragonturtle Beach, near where the Beach Bash events are held. Starting on Tuesday, July 2 after maintenance, check your Parcel Post for Summerfest Bait. Here's a quick look at what to expect during this week: Since it's summer, players can take part in the Summer Festival, a yearly celebration with oceanside fun and games, quests, awesome items and a whole lot more. Players can catch fish which can then be used to craft consumables/items that can boost stats. The new fishing system offers players a new way to earn achievements, gold, and more.
#Tera strongbox keys update
In addition to adding the new class, The Fists of Velika update also brings summertime fun that includes the new fishing system for players of level 22 and above. As the human male brawler levels up, he’ll earn rewards, including goodies to give him a leg up as he battles his way to the level cap. He's a new contender ready to (literally) faceroll BAMs everywhere. The human male brawler has some of the MMO genre's most amazing moves, and with his massive powerfists, delivers punch-and-counter combos, embodying the fighting fury of all true brawlers.

This is a new race-class combination that is sure to knock out players with fun and exciting gameplay. Starting today, players can start leveling up their human male brawler and let their fists do the talkin' in battle. Locked strongboxes contain valuable consumable items including XP boosts, crystals and enchanting materials that enhance your equipment, dyes, gems, and more.Tera "First of Velika" Update Out Now, Duke It Out with The Human Male Brawler and Suit Up for Summer 09:04:32Įn Masse Entertainment has unleashed the "Fists of Velika" update for TERA on PlayStation?4 and Xbox One. Strongbox Key (Stack of 10)-Use to open any locked strongbox. Only one TERA character can claim and use this item.
#Tera strongbox keys portable
Possessing multiple pets with portable storage on the same character will unlock additional 72-slot storage tabs, one per pet up to a maximum of four.

Totes-Summon Totes, a pet with a 72-slot tab of portable storage. More details about the items contained in this bundle are below:ġ,000 EMP-Use En Masse Points (EMP) to purchase items including costumes, accessories, mounts, and pets from the in-game TERA Store.īlaze-Summon Blaze, the fiery struthio bird mount with a Movement Speed of 280. This bundle also contains an exclusive “Founder” title. The Founder's Pack contains an exclusive mount, a pet with a portable bank to carry your items around, a stack of ten strongbox keys, and 1,000 EMP to spend in the in-game TERA Store. This bundle offers a 35 percent discount off the regular total price of these items!
#Tera strongbox keys full
Play TERA a full seven days ahead of launch! Purchase of this bundle grants head-start access to TERA starting March 27, 2018.